“Right now, eight million tonnes of plastics end up in the oceans every year…the actions of just one of us may seem to be trivial and to have no effect. But the knowledge that there are thousands of, hundreds of thousands of people who are doing the same thing – that really does have an effect.” – on ocean plastic pollution. David Attenborough
Towards Carbon Zero:
If you are coming to a comedy class or gig, consider using public transport, biking/walking, or car sharing rather than driving.
As the interesting statistics in the above graph show, it is important to consider how our business, and personal journeys can impact positively, when planned mindfully.
Reducing our carbon footprint
Our Journey So Far...
"Global emissions remain at record high levels and the world is on track to warming well in excess of 2°C, with intensifying climate damages. Yikes!
It was because of this knowledge / awareness that I signed up for the University of Exeter Enterprise Zone-funded workshop: Towards Network Zero for Your Business. If you haven’t thought too much about sustainability and making your business green(er) then NOW is a very good time.
Key action: do the data on where you are now in terms of energy, transport and waste and then look at how you might improve drastically on these topics to head towards zero. Recycling, reusing, and reducing play a part and asking other companies you work with what they are doing, encourages changes in habits."
Maggie is practically working towards attaining a carbon zero comedy business by:
Reduced printed resources for workshops
Replaced with re-usable laminated forms / resources
Emailing forms where possible
Use of shared workspace(s) - hybrid working
Choosing venues with easy access via public transport
More mindful recycling and purchasing
To do:
Collect data on all purchases (where has it come from / how was it made?)
Quantity of resources / services
Check energy consumption and adjust where possible
Check utilities purchases inclusive of consumption kWh and fuel
Personal and staff commuting -
Review business travel (km)
Modes of travel
Review litres of fuel expended
Check kg material collection through method of waste activity
Review use of computer and Zoom activities​