Rising costs, tempers and cooler temperatures...
I’m chillin’. Literally, at times. The gas heating thermostats have been reduced from six to three and some radiators (in unused rooms) have been switched off entirely. It’s not been that hot outside lately, with the arrival of cold winds, frosty mornings and the seemingly slow retreat of the gorgeous sun we had late February, early March. But with the increase of fuel prices here in the UK – it feels like trying to reduce the use of gas and electricity in the home is necessary. The awareness of price-hikes and new approaches to saving money on heating my home is affecting my nose – it has turned red on occasion – and not as a result of excess alcohol or the fact I am a clown.

It’s been interesting working out how to reduce heating costs by boiling one kettle to make mugs of tea, a hot water bottle and service the morning dishes, but to be honest, the central heating is going back on or I fear my pink glow may never return and I'll be forever walking around in two jumpers or sitting at the laptop wrapped in a sleeping bag from Argos circa 1975!
Any tips on reducing your heating bills and avoiding the 'clown' look?
Talking of clowning, join me at Exeter's Phoenix in June/Sept for a workshop that aims to help you understand how clowning and stand up comedy can work together to help you be funnier; bring humour into your life, encourage you to flip pain and use comedy to support wellness.
It is definitely a chance to build a health toolbox alongside some warming, sometimes silly yet empathic comedy material – no red noses – the room will be hot with healthy and hilarious humour.
Details to be announced soon... or contact me personally for info/to book; in the meantime check out next month's 6 week online course.