Yesterday, I discovered a pump in a pool...
It’s a hotel pool, pleasant, pleasurable and peaceful; a hotel I have visited several times. I prefer 30 minutes of this pump over doing approximately 90 lengths of this pint-sized pool. It is hard work, but an invigorating practice.
With the discovery of this powerful, propulsion jet stream pump, I am now swimming without moving, preferring instead to pummel my back, legs, hands and face like a mer-person in a powerful storm, stalking the pump like pro!
A bit like this...
Souce via Giphy - : Reddit -
The letter p is cited as one of the key sounds for creating comedy. I tell this to my students. Young children say their favourite word is poo - funny that. Adults say pants... Yesterday, pumping in a pool was a favourite activity of mine. Care to pump up your funny bones for play, pleasure, purpose, pantomime and for the pure fun of it? Take a look at the links below for your Pre-summer humour imProver! As usual, big thanks and love from Maggie and the Comedy Matters team :)
*** Next week folks! May 11 - 6 week ONLINE COMEDY COURSE
and then from June onward: