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Paws. No, pause! Not paws...

Pause, we're all works in progress...

Yes pause, why pause? Feeling energised and inspired to carry on crafting my new piece of work after watching various creatives’ ‘work in progress’ at The Northcott Theatre Futures Festival 2023. ‘Tis bold, brave and invigorating to share work that isn’t complete – is any performance ever finished? I’ve always loved the process of making a piece of work or watching others craft new material. I particularly enjoy helping to shape a performance, and it was pleasurable to give constructive feedback at the festival. A huge well done to everyone involved. When I direct and teach, I stress that the material shared by performers has the potential to be great material. However, it usually needs editing, often countless times. But it is always a pleasure to see stories and gags come to life because of sensitive editing... sometimes additional pausing is enough. On occasion, it is the delivery and persona of the artist/character that needs tweaking.

For example: Pause to: Emphasise a point, and allow people to absorb and make sense of your message. Tip: When I am writing comedy – I always use a circle with a dot in the middle to indicate a pause (you thought it was an abstract nipple didn't you?). The symbol acts like a full stop but lasts longer. And now, a pause….

If you’re off to Edinburgh or elsewhere and would like some support, please get in touch for a one-to-one, as I should LOVE to help you. As usual, have lovely week and thanks for your continued support Maggie and the team :)

*** Coming up! Early Bird Tickets still available on all courses Stand Up Comedy Course @The Citygate Hotel Cellar Bar Begins 29 August 2023 *** ONLINE Stand Up Comedy Course Begins 30 August Stand up comedy class for both beginners and regular performers. Build unique, funny material for your personal style. *** Stand Up Comedy Course @The Citygate Hotel Cellar Bar Begins 17 October 2023

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