Call out to all comedians...
“I want to be able to turn my sh%@ into something funny.” And find humour in sh%@ situations!" A desired outcome made by one of my comedy class members. Most people attending my classes, don’t articulate this quite so clearly or maybe they haven’t thought it a possibility, but it is wonderfully stimulating and cathartic when people make humour out of challenging situations, little annoyances and sometimes even tragedy. Have you a few woeful tales that you want to flip? Here's your chance! I am planning a one-day comedy workshop and gig - YES - on Sat 15th July – venue tbc. You can bring some material and/or develop a set during the day. We’ll use impro, some short focused writing, a little physical comedy, and tips for making a positive, memorable and of course, humorous performance. You can belt out a tight five minute set, deliver a poem or two; get surreal; craft a comedy rant or comic ditti. All about overcoming fear, enhancing confidence, building resilience and maybe developing something to share at Edinburgh Festival or anywhere inbetween. ALSO: Stand up comedy night at Exmouth Sundowners Bistro Cafe Bar - coming soon - in June. Date TBC. As usual, have lovely week and thanks for your continued support Maggie :)
Coming up!
Stand Up Comedy Course
@The Citygate Hotel
Cellar Bar
Begins 29 August 2023