You don't have to be fit to laugh, but laughing, however, can help with health and fitness.
But how?
Laughing out loud is a bit of a face, ab and peptide busting workout - yes, laughter produces happy feelings - and lots of them!
If you're craving a few endorphins to bring the colour back to your greying November cheeks, and you would like to energise your brain and body - and supportĀ Alzheimer's, come along to our Exmouth stand up comedy Mash-Up on Thursday 23 November.
Watch a bunch of fab local comedians at Crossfit, 7 The Parade, Exmouth - our wonderful hosts. They'll be delivering their best sets as well as helping to boost the coffers of The Alzheimer's Society. 18+
Important, if you need a post-ChristmasĀ boost, there's an intimate stand up night - Exeter Comedy Mash-Up at 8pm on 28 December at The Citygate Hotel in their cellar bar.
Finally! Stuck with ideas of what to get yourself, your mum, dad, brother, sister - friend, for Christmas? Why not give the gift of comedy - see ideas below. Gift cards will be available soon via the website so keep an eye out!
Hopefully see lots of you lovely people next Thursday - thanks for your support.
As usual, have a lovely week and thanks for your continued supportĀ Maggie and the team :)
***And on 23 November in Exmouth we haveĀ Fit to LaughA stand Up Comedy Night at Crossfit, 7 The ParadeExmouth***
Mon, 08 January
Women's Comedy Workshop & Get Together
***Stand Up Comedy Course@The City Gate HotelCellar Bar30 January 2024